You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Selecting the Orders to View

Selecting the Orders to View

You can view sales orders in the Order Scheduler by warehouse, status, order, item, delivery date range, or any combination of these criteria.

To select the orders you want to view:

  1. Open the Order Scheduler.

Refer to "Accessing the Order Scheduler".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Warehouse View

Select the warehouse you want to view orders for. Options are:

  • All – displays orders for all warehouses
  • store warehouses (the name of your store is displayed).


Status View

Select the status of the orders you want to view. As each sales order passes through the sales transaction process, Micronet assigns a status to it. Examples of the statuses you can select are:

  • All
  • Waiting for Full Payment
  • Delivery Today
  • Delivered
  • Invoiced
  • Re-Delivery
  • Cancelled.




To change the status of an order, see "Order Details - Change Status".



Colour View

Select whether you want to view orders by colour, or only orders of a specific colour. Options are:

  • Hide Colours – show all orders matching the selected criteria but don't use colour coding
  • Show Colours – show all orders matching the selected criteria using colour coding
  • Green only – only show orders where all outstanding items on the order are available for delivery
  • Orange only – only show orders where some items on the order are available for delivery
  • Red only – only show orders waiting on full payment
  • Blue only – only show orders that have been invoiced but where an End of Day has not been run
  • Black only– only show orders nothing can be delivered because stock is required
  • Grey only – only shows orders that are on hold.


Item View

If you only want to view orders that include a specific item, enter the item number.

Alternatively, press spacebar then Enter to display the Item Selection screen where you can select the item you want to view orders for.


Number of Orders

Micronet displays the number of orders currently shown in the Order Scheduler.


Delivery Date Range

To view orders for a specific delivery date range, enter or select the start and end dates.

Delete any dates in these fields to clear the date range.


Hide Exception Status

This box is ticked automatically when you open the Order Scheduler. The tick means that you don't want to view orders that have had their status changed manually, and speeds up the refresh rate of the screen.

If you untick this box, Micronet has to calculate what the actual status should be and this slows down the display of the Order Scheduler.


Hide HO Status

This box is ticked automatically when you open the Order Scheduler. If you have a head office set up in Micronet, the tick means that you don't want to view the head office order statuses, and speeds up the refresh rate of the screen.

If you untick this box, Micronet has to retrieve the order status from head office and this slows down the display of the Order Scheduler.


Hide Invoiced Items

Tick this box if you don't want to view items that have already been invoiced.

  1. Press the Tab key or select the Refresh button.

Micronet displays only those orders matching the criteria you selected.

  1. Scroll across the screen to view more details. Details displayed include:






The customer that placed the order.



The name of the debtor's contact person.


Sales Person

The name of the salesperson who placed the order.


Contact First

The first name of the debtor's contact person.



The phone number of the debtor's contact person.



The mobile number of the debtor's contact person.



The invoice number associated with the order.


Date Modified

The date the order was changed, if any.


Created Date

The date the order was created.



The warehouse associated with the order.



The delivery address.


Debtor Number

The debtor ID.


Order Number

The order number.


Order Value

The total value of the order.


Outstanding Value

The amount still to be invoiced (excludes any deposit already paid).


Total Paid

The total payments received against the Order Value.


Order Balance

The amount still owed against the Order Value.



The amount of any deposit paid on the order.

  1. Optionally, you can perform the following actions: